Join us on for a Nerf War at Super Ninja Zone! Use the main level for nerf and Ninja obstacles, the lower level for Gaga Ball in our 20ft inflatable arena.
- Adults can stay, or children can be dropped off
- Children are monitored by Super Ninja Zone staff. All staff are CPR certified.
- We have vending machines for snack and drink purchases.
Super Ninja Zone will provide:
- Safety glasses
- Standard Nerf bullets
- Elite Nerf Guns (or bring your own, no automatics or rival guns)
- All provided items must be returned before leaving.
Safety is the most important feature of a Nerf war. Nerf battles are for friendly competition, thrilling strategy contests, and a good time.
- Waivers must be signed prior to entering the facility. Waivers can be found here
- No physical contact. The first safety rule is one of the most important. There is no hitting, kicking, pushing, pulling, wrestling, or physical attacking involved in Nerf wars. The only physical contact that should be made with another player is in the form of tapping, which is used to get someone “out”, to “revive” someone, or to save them from a hostage situation.
- No intentional face shots. We get it, sometimes you accidentally hit the face and that’s okay. As long as you are not intentionally aiming right between the eyes, you can simply apologize for a face shot and move on.
- Always wear eye protection. During your Nerf war battles, it’s important to keep on protective eyewear at all times. This can protect you from those accidental face shots from the enemy team, as well as keep you from taking penalties.
- Only Nerf guns may be used. No water guns or other toys.
- Do not throw or drop guns. Nerf guns can break easily!
- You can loot bullets during gameplay but you must leave all bullets in the facility at the end.
- No trading Nerf guns with other players.
- No going outside of battle zones. This applies to any Nerf war game type.
Nerf War Game Style:
Free For All. This is a solo-based Nerf game. Every person for themselves. If you get hit with a dart, you must freeze or "play dead" for 15 seconds before returning to the game. Alliances are allowed.